Is Anything Beyond HaShem

Torah, G-d's Blueprint For Creation!

Hashem (Ha-shem), "the Name," is a Hebrew word which respectfully refers to the sacred name of G-d.
Chessed (hes-sed) is a Hebrew word which means “loving-kindness."
The first five books of the Hebrew bible are collectively called the Torah, and hidden within their pages are HaShem's blueprint for His creation and His covenantal relationship with mankind. When the Torah is taught from its original biblical Hebrew, it illuminates many profound insights that educate us on the limitless love of G-d, His awesome character and unchanging purposes. Learning and understanding the divine truths contained deep within the biblical text sheds new light, not only in our own lives, but on the global events we see transpiring daily between G-d’s chosen people, the land of Israel, and the nations of the world. If these great truths are allowed to take root in the heart of humanity, they will help form a bridge of understanding and cooperation between the different cultures of the world. Dedicated to this end, Chessed Alaska is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to endow all people with a deeper knowledge and understanding of the original Hebrew scriptures.

Classes  &  Workshops


Bamidbar or Proverbs                              

    Sundays @ 6:00 pm  AKST

  Tuesdays @ 10:00 am AKST

Video Library

Find an episode of our current Classes you might have missed  here.  
Start watching one of our past series found in our  video archives.   
Our Estonia students can watch any of your past  classes in our Estonia video library.   

Daily Devotions

Ruthann's Reflections

 Ruthann's Reflections is a daily devotional filled with insight for those who like to spend time alone, dwelling on the depth of G-d's glory.  Chaplain Crosby will bring out points from the Hebrew you may never have considered before and they are sure to expand your understanding and love for HaShem. Take a break and enjoy a moment dwelling on our incredible G-d.

Chessed  News

Loshen Hora Video

Loshen Hora

With biblical Hebrew, G-d rarely uses the word hate in the scriptures. When He finally does, it relates to evil speech, and HaShem puts it on the same level as murder.  The current common translation for Loshen Hora is evil speech and is most often related to gossip or slander, but it is so much more.  G-d said, "Let us make man," which refers to lifting up a man's soul. When Loshen Hora is tied to speech (the power of creation) it can cause great damage to another person’s soul. The world desperately needs to hear this lesson and take it to heart.  We encourage you to take the time and listen as well.

We  Have 

An  App

Are you constantly on the Go?  Do you find it hard to connect with us?  That's okay, we have an App.  Now you can catch up to us from anywhere you find yourself.  You can watch videos or even catch a live class.  Go to your App store, type in Chessed Alaska, and look for our blue and white icon.  It's a free service, just download it and you're good to go.  Hope to see you online!

Orphan  Support

                         Treasure the Children

Chessed Alaska is dedicated to what matters when it comes to needs in  our community, and the needs of society throughout the world.  HaShem promises us, if we take care of the widow, the orphan, and the needy, He will take care of our finances, our family, and our health.  One of our favorite causes are the needs of  children.  
Recently we teamed up with Pastel Society of Alaska to raise funds for Hearts Cry orphanage in Panama. Our thanks to the Pastel Society for their generosity and their desire to make a difference in the lives of the children around the world.   

Hearts Cry

Other  Community  Members  We  Support

One past winter three young brothers between the ages of 4-7, were abandoned in Anchorage. Fortunately, they were taken in by a loving foster family here in Alaska.  When  Chaplain Crosby  related this story to her students, they all agreed that something needed to be done for children found in situations like this.
Reach 907 is a local nonprofit dedicated to youth in foster care.  These resilient young people have experienced enormous difficulties. We are passionate about building up our youth to overcome challenges. Come meet them and join us in the journey! 

Chessed Alaska Supports Jewish Centers

Alaska Jewish Museum

Chessed Alaska has supported Jewish Centers from its inception. One of those we have supported  is the Alaska Jewish Museum. They provide a home for Jewish history, art and culture in Alaska and promote the creation of cultural bridges of diversity and tolerance in the broader Alaskan community. In addition, the Alaska Jewish Museum supports the ‘Good Family’ Orphanage in Odessa, Ukraine which protects and gives hope to children who strive to rebuild their broken past, planting a seed of hope in their hearts for a better future.

Jewish Cultural Booth

At The Alaska State Fair