Our Friends

The yearly Jewish Cultural Gala is a well loved festive occasion for the Anchorage community. The pandemic of 2020 was the first time it was shut down since its inception. G-d willing, we look forward to its return in 2021.

Our Friends
There have been many Jewish public events here in Alaska. There is a yearly Gala, held in Anchorage, as well as Chanukah celebrations in Anchorage and the Valley. One of our favorites happens at the Alaska State Fair every fall. A couple of roving Rabbi's come up to Alaska and assist Rabbi Mendy Greenberg to welcome visitors from around the world. Anyone who is interested can learn about Jewish culture and tradition.

Our Friends

Chanukah is another holiday we get to enjoy with our Jewish neighbors. There have been many big productions held in Anchorage through the years with professional entertainers. The newer center in the valley follows the same customs. Celebrations include things to do for the younger children and great traditional food for all to enjoy. Please come out and enjoy the festivities with us.

Alaska Jewish Museum
There are many wonderful presentations at the Anchorage Jewish Museum revealing historical connections between Israel, the Hebrews, and the great state of Alaska. One of the permanent exhibits celebrates Alaska’s heroic humanitarian rescue of Jewish refugees during the establishment of the State of Israel. The display tells the riveting story of Alaska Airlines’ pilots and flight attendants who took enormous risks to rescue Jews from hostile territory and bring them safely to the fledgling Jewish homeland. Please stop by to visit when you come to Anchorage.