Psalms 91:7
by Ruthann Crosby on February 23rd, 2021
"A thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, it will not come near you."This literally means, that even if your enemies surrounds you, they will be unable to harm you. The word, yippol, will fall, is in the singular. So is the word, elef, a thousand. Yippol refers back to the enemies, fear, arrow, pestilence and destruction. The word, yiggash, comes near, means, will be... Read More
Psalms 91:6
by Ruthann Crosby on February 23rd, 2021
"nor the pestilence that walks in the darkness, nor the destruction that waste at noonday."This verse ties to the previous verse. We see, yelekh, it walks, as well as the word, dever, meaning a destructive angel in charge of a plague. The waste at noonday refers to, "ketev", is depicted as being borne on a strong storm, which destroys everything in its path. In Arabic, it means smallpox or fatal p... Read More
Psalms 91:5
by Ruthann Crosby on February 23rd, 2021
"You will not be afraid of the terror by night, of the arrows that flies by day."This verse links to verse four. It's a reference to thieves or those who might try to harm you at night. All of which, no one desires to have happen. Yet, the deeper Hebrew uses the word, pahad layla, terror by night. This word actually means, demons, that roam at night. This is a reference to anything connect beyond ... Read More
Psalms 91:4
by Ruthann Crosby on February 23rd, 2021
"HE will cover you with His pinion."He will conceal you with His outspread wing like a canopy. Evrah is a poetic term for a wing used as a parasol with Kanaf.Psalms 68:14 " … you will be like the wings, kanfei," which is a dove overlaid with silver and her pinions, v'evroteha, with yellow gold."It connotes two wings; under His wings.Psalms 36:8 "…the children of man seek refuge in the shadow of ... Read More
Psalms 91:3
by Ruthann Crosby on February 23rd, 2021
"Indeed He will deliver you from the baited trap and deadly pestilence."A baited trap or snare, (mokesh) is the mechanism which keeps the door open. When the animal or person fall into it, they become locked in, unable to free themselves.Ecclesiastes 9:12 "For man, too does not know his time."Both text refer to, when a man is trapped in an evil time. The answer? Man must trust in God. Indeed, God... Read More
Psalms 91:2
by Ruthann Crosby on February 23rd, 2021
Tehillim / Psalms 91:2I say to the Lord, my refuge and my fortress. The translation, I call God and recognize and TRUST God is my protector and deliverer. "Omar, I say," is a future tense verb meaning ongoing. The Lord is not man ruled by emotions, changing His mind. No, His love is there, no matter what. God is forever faithful. "Mahseh" refuge is a shady spot. A place of protection from the heat... Read More
Psalms 91:1
by Ruthann Crosby on February 23rd, 2021
Tehillim / Psalms 91:1 He who abides in the secret place of the Most High abides in the Shadow of the Almighty.Most High means Elyon, all of God, the Father, the Messiah and Holy Spirit. In fact, the word Elyon is a synonym with, Lifting up His voice. God will call out your name for His angels to protect you.The Shadow of the Almighty is Shaddai, meanings more than enough.My prayer today is for yo... Read More