Psalms 91:4

"HE will cover you with His pinion."
He will conceal you with His outspread wing like a canopy. Evrah is a poetic term for a wing used as a parasol with Kanaf.

Psalms 68:14 " … you will be like the wings, kanfei,"  which is a dove overlaid with silver and her pinions, v'evroteha, with yellow gold."

It connotes two wings; under His wings.

Psalms 36:8  "…the children of man seek refuge in the shadow of Your wings."

Psalms 57:2 "Favor me, O God, favor me, for in You has my soul taken refuge; and in the shelter of Your wings I shall take refuge until devastation shall pass."

Ruth 2:12 "... under Whose wings you have come to seek refuge."

The words point us to the Ark of the Covent, Gods words and promises. Wings that are covered in gold. This is the value of who we are with God. He covers us with wings of gold and silver, when we trust Him. The representation of the dove beings peace. The eagle represents the Mashiach, Messiah. Both are used many times in the Bible.

If your struggling today and tired of worrying about all that is going on around us, about finances and health. Get a mental image of yourself being covered by God's wings.

It's an invitation to come under His wings. It clearly states "and under His wings you will find," a promise of not just protection, but all we need.

Study and know Him. Speak with Him. You do not place your silver and gold over something you do not value. God values us, all of us. Know this, no matter where you are in life. God values you! You are precious to Him.

The other reference here is the bird at rest. Many birds place their head under the wings to sleep and observe their young. BUT she at rest!! Be at peace people. God is watching you and has declared you worthy to be covered with silver and Gold, His word. Valuable!!

I am so grateful for this study. Psalms 91 has always been a favorite. I wanted to journey through  the verses after last week. With this world today, so many are feeling afraid or forgotten. Do not!! Remember you are cover by silver and gold, God's precious wings, His words and promises. Look up His promises! Say them out loud, then imagine being warm and safe. Valued by the covering of gold.

Have a great day. Oh yes, remember the Shadow of His wings, Shadow being connected to
 El Shaddai, enough and everything!!<block type=5020202020Recent



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